Our call on disrupting dementia starts in 15 minutes

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Join Quartz science and health reporter Katherine Foley and science editor Katie Palmer at 11am ET to discuss the costs of dementia, and how to limit them. They’ll cover why dementia represents such a large part of the cost of aging, why its prevalence is only going to rise, and how early detection could help everyone involved. Click here to join

Among the topics they’ll discuss:

  • Dementia will only become more common and more costly in the coming years.
  • Why early detection is the key to keeping costs down.
  • Katherine’s reporting on what it’s like to care for a parent with dementia.
  • Why palliative care, common for cancer patients, needs to become part of dementia care, too.

We’ll be taking questions and comments live on the video conference call at this time. You can also send questions in advance to members@qz.com. And you can find recordings of our past video calls here.

If you’d like to dial in, use the following numbers:

UK: 0800-014 8469
USA: 866-226 4650

For all of the numbers, the access code is 722 994 440.