Here at Quartz, we love to experiment; it’s in our DNA as a media upstart. That’s why we’re putting Quartz’s full in-house intelligence—creative strategists, brand evangelists, content creators—to work. Our job is to make sense of today’s digital media and advertising shifts and why they matter to marketers like you. If just one of our tidbits makes you look good in front of colleagues or clients, we’ll count that in the win column.
This month, we’re diving into the changing landscape of audience consumption. I know I’m not alone in finding the constant flow of news and opinion both overwhelming and dissatisfying. Even as quarantine has given us more free time, short-form is still the wave; in a recent reader survey we conducted, nearly 50% of respondents said that they just want the highlights.
We’re taking this insight into consideration as we create new products, market to Quartz readers around the world, and collaborate with our clients. Read on to find out more.
— Natalie Diamond, CRO, Quartz
Data Mining

White papers: Businesses love to publish them, copywriters hate to make them—but what do consumers think? We asked.
In a 2021 poll of Quartz readers, eight out 10 agree that white papers, research reports, and trend forecasts drastically improve their decision-making.
But, they wish they were—
⚡️ Shorter (40%)
✅ More actionable (32%)
🤳 More user-friendly (28%)

Short-Form Success
Long reads have their proper time and place, but more often, as our data shows, readers want to know the most important information—fast. With more context than a tweet but less real estate than a newsletter, we created a Goldilocks product that fits readers’ interests just right. Meet Quartz Essentials.
Essentials are a brand new content module that deliver context and viewpoints on a specific business topic. Instead of a stream of incremental updates, or a brick of intel to chip away at, Essentials mine key themes in a tidy, multi-card package. You’ll find them embedded within a story, with links out to further reading on how one story relates to the bigger picture.

TikTok, Instagram Reels, and Snapchat have had the short-form video market cornered. Now, YouTube is getting in on the action. Here’s the lowdown:
- YouTube Shorts are similar to TikToks and Instagram Reels, with options to add tracks from YouTube music and edit videos in-app.
- Brands like Fenty Beauty and Chipotle capitalized on TikTok’s rapid rise. The same advantages could hold true here, though the market may already be pre-saturated by YouTube creators.
- It took years for marketers to see Snapchat’s ad platform as a viable way to drive campaign results, but Google doesn’t have that problem; expect to see Google Display Network (GDN) and YouTube Ads placement options.
- YouTube’s biweekly Shorts Report is a scroll-friendly (slightly cringey) infographic featuring the latest Shorts inspiration, product updates, and content tips from Google.
→ In short 😉, brands with established YouTube presences should consider sharing repurposed TikTok/Instagram content as Shorts. Others should wait for GDN and YouTube ad options since acquiring enough initial views to get picked up by the recommendation algorithm could be difficult.
Content à la Carte
Adobe’s Chief Product Officer Scott Belsky is an enthusiastic expert of paring things down. In a recent episode of Quartz’s own bite-sized LinkedIn show Zach Seward in Conversation, Belsky discussed how developing a company can look a lot like caring for a bonsai tree: snipping newer, shinier branches to preserve an organization’s core foundation, mission, and products.
Check out the full 20-minute conversation here, and follow us on LinkedIn to catch Quartz CEO’s interview with Dr. Ashwini Zenooz, Chief Medical Officer at Salesforce, on Tuesday, March 16, at 11 AM ET.
Thanks for tuning in to our first issue!
Thanks for tuning in to our first issue of The Mantle. Here’s hoping you found it short, sweet, smart, and s’useful. Let us know where we clocked in at or get to know us better by checking out our portfolio. See you next month.