With half of its population under 25 and the unemployment rate at four-decade high, India faces an uncertain future. The question on young people’s minds: what kinds of jobs will we have? Quartz asked leaders across India’s biggest industries about that one job in their company or field that will be the most crucial in the coming decades.
Despite India’s consumption slump hitting retailers hard, there have been no massive job cuts. Given its huge size, the sector has managed to absorb the macroeconomic upheavals well. It is hopeful of a recovery in the second half of 2020 on the back of renewed demand in manufacturing and automobile sectors.
Amar Sinha, the chief operating officer of liquor distributor Radico Khaitan, told Quartz:
Marketing liquor in India has always been challenging because of strict advertising regulations. Therefore, the role of the marketing department continues to be of the utmost importance in the industry. I believe this will continue to be the focus in the future as well. Digital marketing provides us with opportunities to engage and create personalized interactions with potential customers.