Despite the spike in online content consumption during the Covid-19 lockdown in India, social media influencers aren’t exactly partying. If anything, an overwhelming majority of them—around 95%—expect earnings to be badly hit by the pandemic, revealed a report by marketing platform Zefmo.
The report, which includes responses from over 1,500 influencers across internet platforms in India, stated that the work-from-home culture and the nationwide shutdown are acting as a major obstacle in creating content.
“Two of three respondents from the non-metro cities face an issue of bad internet connectivity,” it said.
Fighting for survival
Yet, most influencers aren’t giving up.
“Around 58% of the influencers have either embarked on or are currently evaluating live sessions and webinars on a regular basis to engage with their audiences in real-time,” the Zefmo report stated.
Besides, content creation in the age of Covid-19 pandemic is also encouraging influencers to put more focus on the health and well-being genre, said the report.
“These emerging trends are an indication of the adaptability quotient of influencers as part of their efforts to sustain their content-flow while recalibrating their social persona,” the report noted.