India has 28.5 million students in its higher education sector—a collection of 642 universities, 34,908 colleges and 11,356 other institutions. Quartz India took a deeper dive into one of the world’s largest education systems, based on recent data from the government-conducted All India Survey on Higher Education. Six key takeaways from 2011-2012 data:
More undergraduate students pursue the arts more than any other degree.

At the graduate level, Indian students are obsessed with management, despite having some of the world’s most selective business schools.

Science, engineering and technology are the subjects of choice when it comes to Ph.Ds.

Men outnumber women in all higher education programs, except for the master of philosophy (so-called M.Phils). Also, there far more men teaching in the system compared to women.

Southern India dominates the country in terms of total number of colleges, including both private and government run.

Iranian students, apart from those from the subcontinent, seem to have taken a liking to Indian higher education institutions.