The results are in: 65% of Indian men are “comfortable” with their penises.
That’s according to the recently released Great Indian Penis Survey, an initiative by Agents of Ishq, a bilingual online project that aims to expand the conversation about sex and desire among Indians. The 2016 survey collected data from 1,023 respondents across the country and its answers reveal some of India’s deepest desires and anxieties, many of which don’t usually have a place in polite conversation.
“This is really, I would say, an open-ended gesture to take the conversation forward,” Paromita Vohra, founder of Agents of Ishq, said, noting that the goal was to achieve a “granular understanding” of how individuals relate to their penises.
Interestingly, while 96% of the respondents identified themselves as male, the survey also received responses from individuals who chose non-binary, intersex, and transgender as their identity.
The results show, for instance, that nearly a third of the respondents wanted to change something about their penises, be it length or girth.
What’s more, 50% of the respondents reported giving their penises a name, taking inspiration from fruits and vegetables, industrial items, and animals. Almost 6% used irreverent terms or named their goods after public figures, including Bollywood celebrities Shakti Kapoor and Shahrukh Khan.
Things Indian men call their penises
The survey is a big step forward in India where sex remains a taboo subject for public discussion and sex education programs in schools barely cover the basics.
And this is just the beginning. According to Vohra, the Great Indian Vagina Survey is coming up next.