Not all cars can be heart-stoppingly exciting. For 99 percent of the population, a car is just something to get folks from Point A to Point B, and there’s nothing really wrong with that... if you like dull and boring cars. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of them out there, and that’s what has led me to my question from last week.
I wanted to know what you all thought the most boring car ever made was. You all delivered in a big way. Hundreds of Jalopnik readers chimed in with what cars they thought were deeply boring. Because you’re all rockstars, we’ve got stuff from all sorts of eras and price points in here. There are even a number of cars some of you might consider fun that are actually on this list.
I just hope your car didn’t make it here, because that would hurt my soul if someone thought my car was boring.
Anyway, why don’t ya’ head on over and check out what your fellow Jalops think the most boring cars ever made are?