There’s nothing quite like pausing and taking in the sunrise. Busy commutes and early morning exhaustion mean that we often overlook daybreak, but it’s always worth it to enjoy the beauty of nature before starting your day.
While beautiful sunrises are a truly universal pleasure, for travelers they can also provide an opportunity to show off their experiences in a new locale. A recent analysis by the influencer marketing platform Heepsy ranked the locations where sunrises are the most Instagrammed.
“Sunrises provide an opportunity to see destinations in their most unfiltered state, offering moments of stillness and clarity that are rare in the hustle of daily life,” said Heepsy founder Tabi Vicuña, in a statement. “The morning hours often reveal details of a city or landscape that might go unnoticed later in the day, making them a favorite for travelers and photographers.”
The Heepsy analysis used several factors to determine which cities were likely candidates for the rankings, including the number of sunrise-related Instagram (META) hashtags, average annual sunshine hours, the Air Quality Index (AQI), tourist arrivals, and popular sunrise spots. From there, the final rankings were determined based on the total number of Instagram hashtags related to a given destination’s sunrises.
Continue reading to see which cities have the most Instagrammed sunrises.