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The 10 smartest states in America

Although it's not easy to measure a population's intelligence, one group of researchers tried

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Photo: Justin Lewis (Getty Images)

There’s no real way to measure the intelligence of a population, but a research team at the testing platform BrainManager tried.


It attempted to figure out the smartest states in the U.S. based on 19 indicators, grouped into three categories: academic success, learning culture and support, and innovation and technology.

Some of the factors it looked at include average SAT & ACT scores, literacy rates, bookstores per capita, number of research institutions, college graduation rates, and average IQ.

While the study obviously ignores plenty of other measures of intelligence, it did find some surprising results.

Check out which states made the top 10 and why.

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#10: Minnesota

#10: Minnesota

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Photo: Walter Bibikow (Getty Images)

Minnesota came in tenth place thanks partly to its high academic success rate.

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#9: Colorado

#9: Colorado

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Photo: Bill Ross (Getty Images)

Colorado came in ninth place, with the second-highest number of college graduates in the country and a thriving technology industry.

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#8: Maine

#8: Maine

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Photo: Nico Lu / 500px (Getty Images)

Maine ranked eighth thanks to high scores for learning culture and support and for its strong reading culture.

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#7: Alaska

#7: Alaska

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Image: Lark Productions / 500px (Getty Images)

Alaska ranked seventh thanks to its top learning culture and high literacy scores.

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#6: Wyoming

#6: Wyoming

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Photo: Ronnie Wiggin (Getty Images)

Wyoming took sixth place thanks to high numeracy rates, many bookstores per capita, and some of the highest rates of library visits in the country.

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#5: Washington

#5: Washington

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Photo: Philip Kramer (Getty Images)

Washington ranked fifth with strong learning culture scores.

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#4: New Hampshire

#4: New Hampshire

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Photo: Reed Kaestner (Getty Images)

New Hampshire ranked fourth thanks to having the highest literacy and numeracy rates in the nation.

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#3: Connecticut

#3: Connecticut

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Photo: Barry Winiker (Getty Images)

Connecticut nabbed the third place spot thanks to strong academic success and high-quality education.

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#2: Vermont

#2: Vermont

Image for article titled The 10 smartest states in America
Photo: Barry Winiker (Getty Images)

Vermont took second place with strong literacy scores and a great culture of learning and support.

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#1: Massachusetts

#1: Massachusetts

Image for article titled The 10 smartest states in America
Photo: Richard T. Nowitz (Getty Images)

Massachusetts took the top spot with the best academic success in the country and the highest average IQ.
