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The 10 most fun cities in America

A new ranking assesses cities across three categories: cost, entertainment, and nightlife

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Photo: Flashpop (iStock by Getty Images)

As the year winds to a close, your mind is likely anywhere but work. There might be forthcoming holiday trips, unused PTO that doesn’t roll over, or the ever-present possibility that some of your friends may return from the holidays with a fiancé.


Regardless of what December brings, one thing is for sure: There’s no better time to plan a long weekend out of town. And if the thought of deciding where to travel seems like one decision too many — especially while you’re already trying to buy presents and finish your end-of-the-year work projects — you’re in luck.

The experts at WalletHub, a personal finance website, recently released their analysis of the most fun cities in the United States. The rankings assessed cities across three categories: cost; entertainment and recreation; and nightlife and parties. Within these areas, WalletHub considered more than 60 metrics, including restaurants per capita, the time of last call, and the average price for a three-star hotel room.

Many of the top cities are notable party destinations and cities famed for their late nights. But the analysis also looked into less flashy metrics — including access to hiking trails, acres of nearby parkland, and the cost of living — to determine how well-rounded the most fun locations are and how accessible that fun is to the average person.

“The most fun cities naturally include some of the most popular tourist destinations in the U.S. like Las Vegas, Orlando, and Miami, but these cities are far more than tourist traps,” said WalletHub analyst Chip Lupo.

“They provide a wide range of indoor and outdoor activities for all types of interests, from sports to theaters to arcades, and they have plenty of diverse restaurants to try. The top cities offer affordable options for year-round fun for their residents, which is good for residents’ wallets and their mental health.”

Continue reading to learn more about the 10 most fun cities in America.

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10. New York, New York

10. New York, New York

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Photo: Andrey Denisyuk (iStock by Getty Images)

New York City is the 10th most fun city in the United States. It came in fifth for entertainment, eighth for nightlife, and 182nd for cost.

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9. Houston, Texas

9. Houston, Texas

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Photo: franckreporter (iStock by Getty Images)

Houston is the ninth most fun city in the United States. It came in 23rd for entertainment, 15th for nightlife, and 25th for cost.

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8. Chicago, Illinois

8. Chicago, Illinois

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Photo: Adam Jones (iStock by Getty Images)

Chicago is the eighth most fun city in the United States. It came in 10th for entertainment, 11th for nightlife, and 151st for cost.

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7. San Francisco, California

7. San Francisco, California

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Photo: Tony Rowell (iStock by Getty Images)

San Francisco is the seventh most fun city in the United States. It came in seventh for entertainment, fifth for nightlife, and 182nd for cost.

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6. Austin, Texas

6. Austin, Texas

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Photo: dszc (iStock by Getty Images)

Austin is the sixth most fun city in the United States. It came in 18th for entertainment, seventh for nightlife, and 50th for cost.

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5. New Orleans, Louisiana

5. New Orleans, Louisiana

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Photo: John Coletti (iStock by Getty Images)

New Orleans is the fifth most fun city in the United States. It came in 20th for entertainment, fourth for nightlife, and 76th for cost.

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4. Atlanta, Georgia

4. Atlanta, Georgia

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Photo: Arvind Balaraman (iStock by Getty Images)

Atlanta is the fourth most fun city in the United States. It came in eighth for entertainment, sixth for nightlife, and 124th for cost.

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3. Miami, Florida

3. Miami, Florida

Image for article titled The 10 most fun cities in America
Photo: Alexander Spatari (iStock by Getty Images)

Miami is the third most fun city in the United States. It came in sixth for entertainment, third for nightlife, and 157th for cost.

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2. Orlando, Florida

2. Orlando, Florida

Image for article titled The 10 most fun cities in America
Photo: Gina Pricope (iStock by Getty Images)

Orlando is the second most fun city in the United States. It came in third for entertainment, second for nightlife, and 58th for cost.

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1. Las Vegas, Nevada

1. Las Vegas, Nevada

Image for article titled The 10 most fun cities in America
Photo: Westend61 (iStock by Getty Images)

Las Vegas is the most fun city in the United States. It came in second for entertainment, first for nightlife, and 36th for cost.


