Twitter and management are not obvious bedfellows, unless maybe you’re taking your leadership cues from US president Donald Trump. But amongst Twitter’s 328 million active users, there’s a rich group of accounts to follow if you are looking to hone your skills as a manager. We’ve compiled a diverse sample of business leaders, authors, academics, bloggers, and institutions, spanning topics including decision-making, inclusion, time management, networking, and mental models.
For each of these 22 users, we included a representative tweet to give you a feel for their vibe. This is by no means a comprehensive list. The accounts suggested here were selected for quality and tweet with some regularity.
Here’s a complete Twitter list of the accounts we’ve highlighted below, and while you’re on Twitter, give me follow at @khemaridh.
@jewelia - Julia Grace is the head of infrastructure engineering at Slack.
@jasonfried - Jason Fried is the founder & CEO of Basecamp and the co-author of Getting Real, Remote, and REWORK.
@juliagalef - Julia Galef is a writer focused on reasoning and judgment and the host of the Rationally Speaking podcast.
@patrickc - Patrick Collison is co-founder and CEO of Stripe.
@druckerinst - The official account of the Drucker Institute, continuing the legacy of Peter Drucker, the “founder of modern management.”
@brian_armstrong - Brian Armstrong is the co-founder and CEO of Coinbase.
@bethcomstock - Beth Comstock is vice chair of GE and operates the GE Business Innovation division.
@bhorowitz - Ben Horowitz is the co-founder of Andreessen Horowitz and author of The Hard Thing About Hard Things.
@kimballscott - Kim Scott is the co-founder of Candor, Inc. and author of Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity. Kim is a former Google executive and has worked as a CEO coach at Dropbox, Qualtrics, Twitter, and several other tech companies.
@fredwilson - Fred Wilson is a managing partner at Union Square Ventures.
@ginatrapani - Gina Trapani is a partner and director of engineering at Postlight, a digital product studio, and is the founder of the blog Lifehacker.
@brentbeshore - Brent Beshore is the founder and CEO of the private equity firm
@mssapone - Marcela Sapone is the co-founder and CEO of Hello Alfred.
@claychristensen - Clayton Christensen is a professor at Harvard Business School, best known for his theory of “disruptive innovation,” first introduced in the book The Innovator’s Dilemma.
@farnamstreet – Shane Parrish is the creator of Farnam Street, a blog about decision-making and learning.
@jkhoey - Kelly Hoey, a corporate lawyer turned angel investor, is the author of Build Your Dream Network.
@fortelabs - Tiago Forte is the founder of the productivity consultancy and training firm Forte Labs.
@joelle_emerson - Joelle Emerson is the founder and CEO of Paradigm.
@rorystirling - Rory Stirling is a co-founder and partner at BGF ventures.
@jenn_rtr - Jennifer Hyman is the co-founder and CEO of Rent the Runway.
@caterina - Caterina Fake is the co-founder of Flickr and Hunch.
@ericjorgenson - Eric Jorgenson is the marketing manager at Zaarly and on the weekend produces the Evergreen Business Weekly, a crowdsourced deep dive on different business topics including brand-building, storytelling, interviewing and decision-making.