For better or for worse, in sickness and in health, in America your medical coverage is usually tied to your employer. And increasingly, your “wellness” is your company’s business, too. Experts now recognize how lifestyle changes can dramatically reduce disease rates and cut insurance spending, hence the workplace Fitbit challenges, diet nudges, and smoking-cessation programs.
But we now know that past studies “proving” that workplace wellness programs increase productivity and lead to better health outcomes have been misleading. And privacy experts warn against sharing detailed health information with your employer. Nevertheless, wellness perks have become headliner benefits, tools for attracting and keeping employees—and many people love them.
Which side are you on?
To find out, take this quiz by responding to each statement below, all real examples of wellness policies or programs introduced at actual companies. We’ll tell you how your response compares to attitudes expressed in a SurveyMonkey Audience poll of a nationally representative sample of working Americans. We’ll also reveal which companies enacted these envelope-pushing initiatives.