For some reason, everyone was listening to “Total Eclipse of the Heart” today

Now she just has to wait till 2024.
Now she just has to wait till 2024.
Image: AP Photo/Bernd Kammerer
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North America had a fit of lunacy on Monday afternoon when a rare solar eclipse, the first to sweep from coast to coast in 99 years, caused traffic jams, medical emergencies, and wildlife dangers the continent over—and also led to a crazy spike in sun-themed music tastes.

Bonnie Tyler’s 1983 hit “Total Eclipse of the Heart”—which the singer also performed live during the eclipse itself on Monday, nicely capitalizing on our modern world’s incredible love of nostalgia—saw a 2,859% increase on Spotify in the US, a spokesperson told Quartz. The number of streams rose 827% across the world.

Tyler’s song was one of many favored tracks for eclipse listening, appearing on multiple publications’ suggested playlists (including ours), and the buzz around the singer’s live performance made it easily the most eclipse-associable.

Still, no small feat. The Super Bowl typically only boosts artists’ streams by several hundred percent, and Janet Jackson’s 1986 song “Nasty” only got a 250% boost on Spotify after then-presidential-candidate Donald Trump made public comments about Hillary Clinton being a “nasty woman” back in fall 2016.

Chalk it up to celestial forces.