Dianne Feinstein, the Democratic senator from California, has released the full transcript of a congressional interview with the co-founder of Fusion GPS. The private investigation firm was behind a salacious dossier of research into Trump’s Russia ties that was made public last year.
In a recent New York Times op-ed, Fusion co-founder Glenn Simpson claimed to have “found widespread evidence that Mr. Trump and his organization had worked with a wide array of dubious Russians in arrangements that often raised questions about money laundering.” Congressional investigators interviewed Simpson last August.
Feinstein’s release adds to the partisan tensions on the Senate Judiciary Committee. It comes a few days after Republican senators Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham recommended that the Justice Department investigate Fusion investigator Christopher Steele—author of the notorious so-called Steele Dossier—claiming that he may have lied to the FBI. Now, Feinstein, the top-ranking Democrat on the committee, released the interview without agreement from committee Republicans, saying that “The only way to set the record straight is to make the transcript public.”
Read the whole transcript for yourself, including the bit where Simpson tells investigators that the FBI had a source in Trump’s network.