One WhatsApp founder says you should delete Facebook. The other uses it to share pro-Trump stories

Still a committed Facebook user.
Still a committed Facebook user.
Image: Reuters/Albert Gea
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WhatsApp was acquired by Facebook for $19 billion in 2014. One of the men who founded the chat app, Brian Acton, generated headlines by calling for people to #DeleteFacebook following news of the unauthorized use of 50 million users’ personal data by Cambridge Analytica, a consulting firm that claims credit for Donald Trump’s election victory.

But Acton’s WhatsApp co-founder, Jan Koum, seems to have no qualms using his Facebook account.

Koum not only still works at Facebook as head of WhatsApp, but regularly uses the platform to share pro-Trump and anti-immigration links from Breitbart, Fox News, and The Daily Wire. The frequency of his largely right-wing socio-political posts appears to have increased in the past year, in contrast to earlier posts that focused on WhatsApp features and stories about Israel.

Koum’s Facebook page is public and is followed by nearly 90,000 people. He also appears to have an interest in expensive sportscars, as the only Facebook groups he’s a public member of are “Air Cooled Porsche 911 and 912” and two other car groups.

Here’s Koum on Trump:

And Koum on immigration: