Do you love CBD? Do you love it so much you want to declare it on a coffee mug, tank top, or a bumper sticker? You are not alone.
The popularity of cannabidiol—one of the many chemical compounds found in cannabis plants—has skyrocketed over the last several years, thanks to its reported abilities to help users relax, relieve anxiety, and improve sleep (though scientific evidence for these effects is sparse). For many, CBD’s not just a product, but a lifestyle. Now CBD is getting the “Rosé All Day!” treatment, with a virtual smorgasbord of CBD-related products to help effusive and grateful CBD enthusiasts express their love and devotion.
Data for the sale of niche products are rarely public. How many “Dog Mom powered by CBD” shirts can a company really sell? We just don’t know. But by turning to websites like Amazon and Etsy, we get an illuminating glimpse into the desires of CBD’s most rabid public advocates. Here are a few we found notable.
All images are from their respective Amazon or Etsy product pages.