A Christmas letter from your print journalist friend

A house decorated with holiday lights, like many others.
A house decorated with holiday lights, like many others.
Image: Reuters/Lucy Nicholson
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Hello everyone, it’s the Dunaway family here wishing you a delightful Christmas and a very Happy 2015!

2014 was a memorable year for the Dunaways. I celebrated my 23rd year at the Times; Kara’s work took her to Paris and Hong Kong; baby Tom took his first steps and learned his first word (“Mom,” of course!); and little Hailey started kindergarten and has turned out to be quite the voracious reader and talented goalie on the soccer field.

Yes, it’s been a whale of a year for the Dunaway family, and that’s just some…

You have reached your limit of 10 letters from the Dunaway family in 2014. To continue reading, please consider supporting the Dunaways by signing up for an annual subscription to our letters and holiday cards.

We want to keep bringing you the colorful family updates and wacky Dunaway anecdotes you’ve grown to expect. But we can’t do it without your support. The Dunaway Family Christmas Letter Paywall will help finance the first-class Dunaway writing and photography you’ve come to cherish each holiday season and beyond.

For just $10 per year, you’ll gain full access to not just the Dunaway Christmas Letter, but also to birthday cards, Valentine’s Day greetings, and postcards from our vacations. Your print subscription also gives you access to the Dunaways’ digital offerings: Our Facebook pages, Instagram accounts, and submissions to the New Yorker’s cartoon caption contest.

Dunaway Digital also gets you in on our controversial op-ed page. (Kara’s tweets about ThinkProgress articles on climate change.) Best of all, one subscription gives you access to Dunaway Digital across all of your devices: PC, tablet, and iPhone. Support for Android coming in 2015.

The Dunaway family prides itself on the high quality of its correspondence.  Unlike some journalists updating their families and loved ones at year’s end, we don’t rely on read-bait listicles or cheap JibJab animations. Our family is not supported by VC money or some flashy tech billionaire. Each of our letters features deep, original reporting on what we’ve done in the past several months, and we’re constantly expanding our presence in both digital (we have a Snapchat account!) and in the newsroom (Kara is pregnant!).

To do so, we made the difficult decision to institute a paywall as the cost of stamps has increased and as it turns out that banner ads are even less effective in print than they are online. Also, many of you reacted negatively to the native advertisement written by Monsanto that we sent you this Easter.

Everyone here at the Dunaway family — me, Kara, little Hailey, baby Tom, and Business Insider CEO Henry Blodget — appreciate your continued readership of our Christmas letters. Your subscription can go a long way toward keeping this great print tradition alive.

Until next year when our entire family is inevitably poached by Fusion,

The Dunaways