Google joins Apple Music in giving a whole lot of music away for free

Upping the ante.
Upping the ante.
Image: Reuters/Mario Anzuoni
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As nasty jibes go back and forth between Spotify and Apple Music, don’t forget about Google, which—in celebration of the July 4 weekend—is offering four whole months of ad-free music to new customers in the US for free.

The trial gives customers access to Google Play Music’s library of 35 million tracks, which ordinarily costs $9.99 a month. In addition, users will get four months of access to YouTube Red, an ad-free video streaming platform that includes exclusive content and also costs $9.99 a month on its own. (For an explanation of Google’s mildly confusing cluster of streaming services, check out this handy guide.)

Though Google’s new promotion isn’t likely to get everyone canceling their subscriptions to other streaming services, it does top Apple’s generous three-month trial period. And what Google is really doing is making its brand better known in the music streaming market.

Savvy listeners who haven’t yet used any of these services can take advantage of the abundance of free trial periods now offered by subscription streaming services to get almost 10 months of legal music:

  • 15 days of free music on Deezer
  • One month of free music on Tidal
  • One month of free music on Spotify Premium
  • Three months of free music on Apple Music
  • Four months of free music on Google