The Pokémon Go interval workout routine

Catch Pokémon. Burn calories.
Catch Pokémon. Burn calories.
Image: Reuters/Sam Mircovich
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People are loving Pokémon Go because it gets them outside and makes them more active. Some are complaining about sore legs from extended periods of walking.

But we thought, why not step it up? After all, walking around your neighborhood will only get you so far toward your fitness goals.

If you are looking to challenge yourself while out catching Pokémon, this is the workout for you. It’s an interval routine guaranteed to get results both for your body and your Pokédex.

Warm up

  1. Fire up Pokémon Go, and take a light jog to the nearest gym controlled by your team.
  2. To be clear, we are talking about a Pokémon gym, not an actual gym.
  3. At the gym, do training battles with three different Pokémon. Three reps each.
  4. Sprint, as fast as you can, to the nearest PokéStop to collect items to heal your embattled critters. Don’t get hit by a car.

Part 1: Catch Pokemon, lose your breath

  1. Open up your “nearby Pokémon” screen and select the last (bottom-right) Pokémon to highlight it. This is the Pokémon currently furthest away from you. Your job in this part of the workout is to jog to that Pokémon. This might be a bit tricky since you will have to track it down. Jog in one direction and see if it goes any further up the list. If it falls off the list, jog back in the other direction. Pay very close attention to the screen the whole time. Don’t get hit by a car. This should take anywhere from 1 to 25 minutes.
  2. Once you catch the Pokémon, do one jumping jack for each of its Combat Points (CP). This well get harder as you progress!
  3. If it’s a new Pokémon, do squats corresponding to its number in the Pokedex. Jigglypuff, for example, is #39, so that would be 39 squats.
  4. Sprint to the nearest PokéStop for more items. Don’t fall into a ditch.

Part 2: You are fierce

  1. Jog lightly to the nearest enemy gym, and start a battle.
  2. Assume a push-up position, and set your phone down on the ground, underneath your head. Instead of attacking by tapping wildly with your finger, use your nose, by doing push-ups as rapidly as possible. To win, it will help to have vastly superior Pokémon and/or military training.
  3. If you win, do a plank for one minute after the battle. If you lose, two minutes.
  4. Sprint to the nearest PokéStop. Don’t get mugged.

Now repeat parts 1 and 2 two more times.

Or more if you are feeling up to it.

Cool down

  1. Sprint to the nearest Pokémon, and catch it. Do one jump squat between each PokéBall throw.
  2. Jog to the nearest PokéStop, and collect items. Watch out for corpses.
  3. Do all of the power ups and evolutions you need for your Pokémon. For each power up, do five jumping jacks. For each evolution, do a sun salute.
  4. Put your phone away, and walk home.

That’s it for the routine. It should take about an hour. After just a few weeks, you’ll be looking great, leveled up, and have a solid collection of strong Pokémon and shoulders.