The man who made Google fun now wants to find jobs for unemployed Clinton campaign workers

Deflated expectations.
Deflated expectations.
Image: AP Photo/Paul Sancya
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Laszlo Bock, the head of human resources stepping down from Google, has a new mission: Find jobs for hundreds of unemployed Hillary Clinton campaign workers.

The Wall Street Journal reports that Bock created a job board to match Clinton staffers as well as departing White House employees with tech employers. The service is open to candidates from any campaign.

As a condition to access the resumes, potential employers must agree to review all the resumes posted—so far, 1,300 have been uploaded—with an eye at finding roles for talented people with unconventional backgrounds,  the Journal said.

Efforts to reach Bock to learn details about his job board were not immediately successful.

At Google, where he led “people operations” for 10 years, Bock made the company one of the world’s most desirable employers. He generously handed out benefits such as free meals, bus service for commuters and even onsite laundry machines, all in the interest of making employees happier and more productive. Through the relentless use of data, Bock helped Google rethink its practices for hiring, promoting and compensating workers.

Earlier this year, Bock announced he was leaving Google, and a few days ago, reports of his plans to launch a startup surfaced. The details are sketchy, but the new job board appears tied into his interests in work, productivity and using data to make better management decisions. In a 2015 interview with Quartz, Bock said he was interested in using better information to tackle unemployment:

A lot of unemployment evolves from information asymmetry, meaning I have a taxonomy of skills and abilities that are hard to articulate, and resumes don’t do a good job of capturing them. Employers have a set of jobs, but are terrible at both articulating what they need, and actually filtering candidates.

Are Bock’s efforts to help jobless campaign staffers an early glimpse into his future plans? Perhaps.