The massive explosion at a fireworks market in Mexico was caught on video as it happened

Explosions of the firework market in Tultepec, outskirts of Mexico City, Mexico.
Explosions of the firework market in Tultepec, outskirts of Mexico City, Mexico.
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A massive explosion ripped through Mexico’s best-known fireworks market outside its capital on Dec. 20, killing at least 29 and injuring a dozen people.

The blast struck San Pablito marketplace in Tultepec, north of Mexico City. A video captured by a passerby showed what initially appeared to be a huge, colorful fireworks show that quickly became engulfed by a plume of gray smoke.

Ten ambulances and 50 paramedics were sent by the Mexican Red Cross, a non-governmental organization said on Twitter. A video shared by the group showed people on the ground running as smog hovered above the market and explosions rang in the background. Reuters described the aftermath as a “charred wasteland.”

A lack of sufficient security measures had likely caused the blast, said Isidro Sanchez, the head of Tultepec emergency services.