Other books from Milo Yiannopoulos’s new publisher, Threshold Editions

Read it and weep.
Read it and weep.
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Milo Yiannopoulos—a race-baiting, women-bashing Breitbart editor and social media troll—has signed a book deal worth a reported $250,000 with Threshold Editions, a Simon & Schuster imprint.

It’s no accident he landed at Threshold, which says it was founded in 2006 “to provide a forum for the creative people, bedrock principles, and innovative ideas of contemporary conservatism.”

Like other conservative publishers, Threshold may have set out to give a voice to conservative intellectuals, but it’s mined gold with books by television and radio celebrities. Perhaps none are at controversial as Yiannopoulos, though. Yiannopoulos was banned from Twitter in July for encouraging racist and sexist bullying of Ghostbusters actress Leslie Jones. He was earlier suspended from the site for his comments about the Orlando nightclub shooting. While liberals are outraged his provocations are being rewarded, Yiannopoulos is crowing. As he told the Hollwyood Reporter, which broke the story of his book deal:

“I met with top execs at Simon & Schuster earlier in the year and spent half an hour trying to shock them with lewd jokes and outrageous opinions. I thought they were going to have me escorted from the building—but instead they offered me a wheelbarrow full of money.”

Threshold proudly notes it has published 57 New York Times bestsellers (many of which no doubt devoted pages to blasting the New York Times).

Its titles include Donald Trump’s latest books:

An upcoming biography of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie:

Books by Glenn Beck:

Oliver North’s spy novels:

And even a line of historical children’s novels from Rush Limbaugh, featuring Liberty, the talking horse:

Excellent company for the braying Yiannopoulos, indeed.