He might be a nonagenarian, but Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe is racking up air miles quicker than many millennials.
The 93-year-old jet-setting president will spend the week in New York, attending a UN conference on oceans. State broadcaster ZBC confirmed Mugabe’s attendance at the conference which will be hosted by Fiji and Sweden. Mugabe is said to be attending with an entourage of more than 50 people, including his wife.
Zimbabwe is a landlocked country.
“This reflects Zanu PF’s skewed priorities and the continued misuse of our country’s resources given that our country is landlocked,” said Gift Nyandoro, spokesperson of Zimbabwe’s National People’s Party, one of the opposition groups that roundly condemned his latest jaunt.
Mugabe’s foreign trips aren’t new. Since the start of last year, the 93-year-old has embarked on a total of 36 trips—including personal health checks and holidays. In 2017 alone, including his current trip to the US, Mugabe has already visited 10 countries. Just two weeks ago, he attended a UN conference on disaster risk reduction in Mexico, but was not given a chance to speak.

The frustration of many Zimbabweans is linked to the country’s long-running economic struggles. Last November, fearing another currency crisis, Zimbabweans lined up outside of banks to withdraw their savings before the government introduced new bond notes as currency.