Nearly 60% of employees in the US and UK would leave their job for another one that offered better reproductive and family benefits, according to a new study from the platform Maven.
But there’s one such benefit among them that middle-aged employees are especially seeking out: menopause support. Maven said this was a topic of concern for Gen X respondents among the 3,000 employees the family benefits platform surveyed at the end of last year.
“As many employees—often in leadership positions—struggle silently through menopause symptoms, providing care through this stage of life is only going to be more essential,” said the report.
But menopause-related benefits aren’t offered by companies as much as others such as support for mental health, maternity, postpartum, fertility, and childcare. In fact, menopause support was the benefit offered by the lowest share of companies, right behind LGBTQIA+ health benefits.
“Quality menopause support will allow employees to take charge of their midlife health, positively impacting their career span and health in the long term,” said the study.