Dear Quartz Africa readers —
We’ve had a wonderful and hugely supportive response to the first collection of stories we published on Monday with our China’s Africa Project package. We’re very grateful that many of you have said you found it a useful addition to your reading and learning of a topic we believe is vital to understanding how Africa makes progress. We welcome all comments, feedback and suggestions for future packages on this or other topics.
Talking of which, we’ve just posted the latest article in the package which is a curation of Q&As with some of the smartest minds on China in Africa issues discussing how they see the future of the relationship evolving. They are:
Cheng Cheng: chief economist of the Made in Africa Initiative, a Chinese-backed initiative to help African countries capture opportunities of industrialization.
W. Gyude Moore: visiting fellow at the Center for Global Development and former minister of public works in Liberia.
Hannah Ryder: chief executive of Development Reimagined, a development consultancy based in Beijing and former head of policy and partnerships for UNDP in China.
Cobus van Staden: senior researcher of China-Africa relations at the South African Institute of International Affairs, and the co-host of the China in Africa Podcast.
It’s worth taking time to parse through their answers and insights to help you cut through some of the usual predictable discussions on this topic.
Join us on Thursday to discuss more
Join us for a discussion on Thursday at 11am EDT/4pm BST with myself and Abdi Latif Dahir, where we’ll walk you through the state of China’s presence in Africa, and where it’s heading. We’ll be taking questions and comments live on the video conference call, accessible at this location. Please remember you can email questions now to with the subject line: China in Africa. Even if you can’t make the live call we often share a recording with our answers to questions.
If you’d like to dial in, use the following numbers: UK 0800-014 8469, USA 866-226 4650. For both numbers, the access code is 722 994 440.
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Best wishes for a productive week,
Yinka Adegoke
Quartz Africa editor