Good morning, Quartz readers!
Here’s what you need to know
The UK sank into a deep recession. GDP contracted for the second quarter in row, this time by more than 20%, for the first time since the financial crisis more than a decade ago, which precipitated deep cuts in government spending. But chancellor Rishi Sunak said he sees “promising signs” of recovery.
California senator Kamala Harris is Joe Biden’s vice-president pick. The former state attorney general—or “top cop,” according to some of her critics—is the first woman of color to be a VP candidate. She is Black and South Asian, with a Jamaican father and an Indian mother, although she defines herself as “American.”
Tesla split its stock to attract more investors. Existing stockholders won’t be materially affected by the five-to-one stock split, but the cheaper price of a single share could draw in new investment. Tesla stocks jumped more than 6% after the announcement.
Chain stores and restaurants are moving out of Manhattan. “There’s no reason to do business in New York,” said the CEO of a restaurant chain, as brands like Victoria’s Secret and Gap keep stores closed, and others move out entirely. Thanks to Covid, there are expensive, empty downtowns all over the world.
Quartz at Work
Want to build a more inclusive workplace? There is no perfect model for an antiracist company, and building one won’t be easy or quick, but there are lessons available to help correct structural inequalities and create more inclusive workplaces. Join us on Aug. 13 from 11-12pm EDT (3-4pm GMT) for our second free workshop on how to build an antiracist company.
Here are a few articles to think about before you join the conversation:
📈 Tips from a career coach on how to manage up as a woman of color.
🙄 When bad bosses get promotions, that’s a sign of a toxic workplace.
🙅♂️ The top reason white men give for not getting involved with diversity and inclusion.
Charting India’s digital payments boom
United Payment Interface—a digital platform regulated by India’s central bank and used to instantly transfer funds—clocked its highest-ever volumes in July, according to the National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI).

Now, Facebook-owned WhatsApp is set to take India’s fintech space by storm, Prathamesh Mulye reports, as the NPCI cleared the messaging app’s payment features to go live. It all means bad news for India’s existing neo-banks.
Do Quartz members crave office life?
The things we miss about our collective workspaces are often intangible: Chance conversations, jokes, shared complaints, and lunches. The way an employee experiences a firm and the way a firm tries to present itself come together to form a “company culture.”
Recently, we asked Quartz members what they miss most about office life (if anything), and here’s what they had to say:

Read more about reimagining the office in our latest field guide.
Ready to support quality journalism and go about your day paywall-free? Become a Quartz member, now at 40% off your first year. Already a member? Enjoy all our field guides with our thanks.
You asked about eyeballs
If Covid-19 is airborne transmitted, then can it enter the body through the eye?
We regret to inform you that coronavirus can definitely enter through the eye—whether through a tiny aerosolized particle or a larger, sneezy droplet. The question is how frequently does it happen? And does it lead to infection when it happens? Unfortunately, we simply don’t know those details yet, because it’s hard to trace an infection’s origin once it has spread throughout the body.
Earlier this month, director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Anthony Fauci, told ABC News that shielding the eyes “might” be recommended at some point and that “if you have goggles or an eye shield, you should use it.”
Surprising discoveries

You can do better than Clorox wipes. Shortage or no shortage, making your own is cleaner, greener, and cheaper.
Don’t push slow friends out of the way if a bear attacks. The US park service published some useful tips.
An aquarium is putting wishing-well coins back in circulation. Staff drained a waterfall and gathered up 100 gallons (380 liters) of coins to help keep it afloat.
Spongebob’s friend is getting his own show. Sources told Deadline that Patrick the starfish’s vehicle will be “in the vein of The Larry Sanders Show.”
Mississippi won’t have a giant mosquito on its state flag. A design featuring the insect was mistakenly shortlisted in the selection process to replace the current flag, which features a Confederate emblem.
Our best wishes for a productive day. Please send any news, comments, DIY wipes, and bear strategies to Get the most out of Quartz by downloading our app on iOS and becoming a member. Today’s Daily Brief was brought to you by Hasit Shah, Liz Webber, Susan Howson, and Max Lockie.