Today in membership: Our week of immortality

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I hope your week’s been going swimmingly. Today, we’re wrapping up Sangeeta Singh-Kurtz‘s field guide on immortality. In case you missed any of it, here’s a quick recap:

  • Our state of play looked at the big business behind cheating death, including companies and people like Alphabet, Jeff Bezos, Larry Ellison, and Peter Thiel
  • A simple—and kind of disturbing!—12-step guide to getting your body (or just your head—it’s cheaper) frozen for later reanimation
  • A Q&A with author Stephen Cave on the stories humanity has told itself to help deal with death
  • A timeline of all the bonkers ways humanity has tried to become immortal
  • An essay on the implications of trying to solve immortality when plenty of diseases are killing people at a young age
  • Are you team lobster or team jellyfish? We examine the rivalry among fans of ageless animals
  • And new for today, our toolkit to keep you up to date on all things immortal

Also for today: our members-only conference call. Join me and Quartz reporter (and immortality field guide author) Sangeeta Singh-Kurtz as we talk about the issues raised in her weeklong deep dive and answer your questions about our quest to live forever.  The 30-minute call will start at 11 am ET/3 pm GMT at this link. If you use Google Calendar, you can add the call to your calendar here. Login info is in the invitation. If you’re on another calendar, don’t worry—we’ll be adding more integrations in the weeks ahead.

If you want to join us by phone, the US dial-in is +1 888 240 2560, and the UK dial-in is +44 203 608 5256; for both numbers, the meeting code is 722 994 440.

Next week: The future of batteries—a technology that will, quite literally, power the future.

We want to hear from you! Please send comments, questions, and Christopher Lambert GIFs to

Here’s to a rewarding day,

Sam Grobart
membership editor