Marvel’s black teenage engineer superhero comic will be written by a black woman sociologist

Marvel’s black teenage engineer superhero comic will be written by a black woman sociologist
Image: Courtesy Marvel
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Two years ago in the comic book series Invincible Iron Man, Tony Stark met a young super genius named Riri Williams, a black teen who had successfully reverse-engineered his famous armor.

Riri, who uses the super hero codename Ironheart, has since become a fan favorite, and today Marvel announced she’ll be getting her own series, with the first issue due out Nov. 7. Chicago-based writer and sociologist Eve Ewing announced today that she’s writing the series with artist Kevin Libranda.

Image for article titled Marvel’s black teenage engineer superhero comic will be written by a black woman sociologist
Image: Courtesy Marvel

Ewing is the author of the poetry book Electric Arches and is a professor of sociology, focusing on education, at the University of Chicago. She’s a popular voice on Twitter, and the strong reaction to her announcement (11,000 likes on Twitter at time of writing) demonstrates the resonance of a black woman writing the story of a black girl superhero.

“Riri’s identity and the place where she comes from means she sometimes has a different perspective than some of her peers on how to deal with people who are doing wrong. There’s a reason she doesn’t just go around blasting everybody to high heaven because, to be real, she definitely could do that if she wanted,” says Ewing in a Q&A published on Marvel’s site. “But she’s a very tender person at her core, and she doesn’t just want to be a senseless weapon.”