HBO’s show Succession is about to air its final episode, hopefully providing an answer to the central theme of the story’s four seasons: Who shall succeed media mogul and patriarch Logan Roy on Waystar’s throne?
The series-long query took new, sudden urgency at the beginning of the final season. With one episode to go, it’s still anyone’s game. Will Kendall, Logan’s firstborn from his second marriage and, at one point, heir apparent, take up the crown? Will his sister Shiv succeed in her machinations? Has youngest sibling Roman blown it? Could it be a wild card like Connor? Does cousin Greg stand a chance? Will Shiv’s husband, Tom Wambsgans, achieve the seemingly impossible? Or will conglomerate Waystar fall into new, foreign hands, leaving billions in the Roy family’s pockets but no control?
Succession’s tribulations add dramatic flair and intrigue to a delicate process that most corporate giants eventually have to face. The question of CEO succession has recently hounded business leaders like Tesla’s Elon Musk, JPMorgan Chase’s Jamie Dimon, and Pepsico’s Indra Nooyi before them. Here’s how they’ve tackled it.