Something about the UN General Assembly feels different. Events are back in person, sure. But between the remote attendance options, the postponement of US president Joe Biden’s speech to accommodate his attendance a Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral, and the covid rules keeping delegation sizes to a minimum inside the UN building, the typical traffic jams, security lines, and overall buzz are toned down this year, at least in and around UN Plaza.
Yet some things never change. As in years past, UNGA’s program is reliably rife with confusing event titles that are heavy on jargon and acronyms.
As per Quartz’s tradition, we have selected some of the most egregiously inscrutable ones, and attempted a plain-English translation.
Actual event: Partnering for Action: Implementation of the Global Accelerator on Jobs and Social Protection for Just Transitions
*Translation: We need more good jobs in poor countries, quickly
Moving America’s Freight Industry Towards Net Zero: How the Transport Industry is Saving the Planet by Pooling More Freight
*Trucks are polluting and expensive, so we thought we’d combine shipments to save money and emissions
Countdown to the 2023 High-Level Meeting: Reception for PHC & UHC Advocates
*Powerful people will soon be invited to discuss Primary Health Care and Universal Health Coverage, drinks will be served
Partner or Perish: Prioritizing Collaboration to Multiply Impact
*Team work makes the dream work
Climate Quantified™: Human Capital Drive your Corporate Climate Strategy: Engaging and Mobilizing Your People
*You can maybe buy some time on your climate-conscious business plan by pretending you have to convince your employees
A Year of Action: Building More Equal and Inclusive Digital Societies Through Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships
*Digital spaces would be less sexist and racist if women and people of color had more power over them
Education on the Move: How We Can Harness a Shift to Online Learning to Reduce Disparities in Access to Education
*Let’s get those who can’t attend school in person to study online?
Unlocking Sustainable Finance for Nature-Based Solutions
*Where to find money to save the bees
Jurisdictional Collective Action Stories: Fighting Global Climate Change through Jurisdictional Sustainability
*No clue—we’ll just have to attend and find out