Welcome to Quartz at Work, a new edition from Quartz

Welcome to Quartz at Work, a new edition from Quartz
Image: Gosia Herba
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There’s a zone we all get to when we’re doing our best work. It can be focused and exhilarating.

Now Quartz is launching a new edition designed to help you find that place as much as you can, acknowledging that for many of us, work can be a source of tremendous pride, and considerable stress, as well as an important part of our identity.

Quartz at Work is a guide to being a better manager, building your career, and navigating the modern workplace. It can be found directly at qz.com/work, and you’ll see aspects of the coverage featured throughout your experience of Quartz.

Each day on Quartz at Work, you’ll find new stories about the topics we’re most obsessed with, including the delicate art of managing others; tools and tips for increasing your productivity and tapping into your creativity; the progress being made (or not) in workplace inclusion efforts; the design of organizations; and how to be a high achiever and still have a rich personal and family life.

We’ve assembled a dedicated team of journalists—who collectively have decades of experience covering business, finance, and management—to bring you the most interesting ideas and practices from around the world. You can follow their work on Quartz and on Twitter at @QuartzAtWork. We also invite you to join Manage It, a new Facebook Group where Quartz reporters, editors, and readers are sharing questions and tips about being a modern manager.

We know Quartz readers are international, ascendant business professionals. Our observation is that you’re not fully served by most management coverage out there today—it’s mostly too traditional or else not sophisticated enough. We created Quartz at Work to fill that gap. We welcome any ideas or feedback you have along the way. And we thank you for your readership.