Now the market is ok with the Syriza win in Greece

Whichever way the wind blows…
Whichever way the wind blows…
Image: Reuters/Yannis Behrakis
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At first the market was totally cool with the anti-austerity Syriza party taking over Greece’s government. Then it began to freak out when—lo and behold—newly installed prime minister Alexis Tsipras formed an anti-austerity government. But now that Tsipras & Co. have actually laid out their plans for restructuring Greece’s debt (again), the market has calmed down a bit. So it’s been a volatile couple of weeks.

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Image for article titled Now the market is ok with the Syriza win in Greece
Image for article titled Now the market is ok with the Syriza win in Greece

Nobody really knows for sure what’s going to happen in Greece. Quartz itself is divided: Tim Fernholz thinks Syriza is going to get its way, and Kabir Chibber does not. Two more charts to remind you of the stakes: Greece’s unemployment rate…

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…and Greece’s GDP growth.

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