A growing number of people are looking to hitch their careers to bitcoin’s rally this year by seeking out jobs in the crypto industry. Searches for roles mentioning “blockchain”, “bitcoin,” or “cryptocurrency” have increased more than tenfold in the US over the past two years, according to employment website Indeed.
While the number of people considering a livelihood in the world of cryptoassets and related networks is relatively small (about 100 searches in every million), the interest is running ahead of supply, as job postings have only climbed a mere 621% during that span. Companies are increasingly looking for experts in this new technology, but such specialized roles can be difficult to fill, according to Terence Chiu, vice president of product at Indeed.

Job postings include roles like “Cryptocurrency Mining Lead,” “DevOps Engineer-Bitcoin Enthusiast,” and, of course, “Cryptocurrency Trader,” according to Indeed Prime. And while there’s plenty of skepticism about digital assets as a store of value, major companies have for years been researching the underlying distributed ledger technology—the blockchain—for mainstream applications. People with blockchain and bitcoin skills might find employment at companies as diverse as ESPN, JPMorgan Chase, and the dating website Match.com, according to Indeed.