Watch “The Next Billion,” our forum about the mobile internet in the developing world

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Today in New York, we are hosting an event about the billions of people who will connect to the internet for the the first time in the next few years, largely on mobile devices. We’re calling it “The Next Billion,” and you can follow along with the livestream below, starting at 9:30am Eastern Time. The hashtag is #qznextbillion.

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Here’s the schedule for today’s events (Eastern Standard Time):

9:30am: Welcome to the connected world

9:35am: Leapfrogging

If you think you know how people will be communicating three years from now, you’re probably wrong. Some of the most innovative and surprising ways to use mobile technologies will not be found in countries that have had them for years, but among people who have only just started using them. This “leapfrogging” effect is only likely to become more pronounced as the next billion get online. What happens on these frontiers of communication and e-commerce may surprise you. Quartz hosts a talk-show style conversation highlighting the emerging technologies that are defining the future of mobile.

Mike Bell, Intel
Wesley Chan, Google Ventures
Jay Sullivan, Mozilla
Kevin J. Delaney, Quartz (moderator)

10:15am: Quartz interlude

Five questions with Nathan Eagle, Jana
Christopher Mims, Quartz (moderator)

10:35am: Cybersecurity

With a billion new hackers, the world ushers in the era of cyber vigilantism. The surge in mobile technology is making the world’s largest companies-and every country’s critical infrastructure-exponentially more vulnerable to cyber threats. This trend is propelling the issue of cybersecurity from the back office to the boardroom. Consider the rise of the Chief Information Security Officer, whose job is to assume that hackers will get in. How can companies develop a command and control security posture that is creative and agile? Is there a business case for cyber offense? Quartz invites leading cybersecurity experts to discuss the risks of technological dependency and the future of the cyber wars.

Bill Stewart, Booz Allen Hamilton
Edward M. Stroz, Stroz Friedberg
Steve Clemons, The Atlantic, (moderator)
Special guest: Pascal Lamy, former director general, World Trade Organization

Break: 11:15–11:30am

11:30am: Online learning

The person sitting next to you just received an MBA by answering questions on their tablet. The increasing demand for online education will have ripple effects in the rich world as well as the developing world. What new apps will emerge to teach literacy as well as primary, secondary and graduate-level university education via mobile devices? Is the future of online learning truly in software, or are hardware and accessibility the key to revolutionizing global education? And what are the downsides of cyber-learning? Quartz invites education innovators from around the world for a special discussion and debate about whether online learning’s future is in hardware, software, or a convergence of the two.

Neal Taparia, Imagine Easy Solutions
S. Mitra Kalita, Quartz (moderator)

12:30pm: Quartz interlude

Five questions with Susan Athey, Microsoft
Kevin J. Delaney, Quartz (moderator)

Break: 12:50–1:40pm

1:40pm: A billion revolutionaries

A special photography presentation from Platon

1:55pm: Cheat sheet

Five things that have made me sit up and listen so far
Gideon Lichfield, Quartz

2:00pm: Quartz interlude

Five questions with David Gilboa, Warby Parker
Kevin J. Delaney, Quartz (moderator)

2:20pm: Global commerce

The next billion might re-energize the world economy-or just give it a bad shake-up. What will happen to businesses when there are a billion new customers in the marketplace? Online commerce at this scale will open new channels of economic growth for individuals as well as multinational corporations. What does the coming wave of connectivity tell us about class mobility and the global marketplace? Will emerging markets -specifically India, China, and parts of Latin America-see a rise in the middle class? And, what strategies are necessary to seize this opportunity wisely?

Venkatesh Bala, The Cambridge Group
Soraya Darabi, Zady
Heidi N. Moore, Guardian (moderator)

2:50pm: Quartz interlude

A conversation on global startups with Jalak Jobanputra, Future Perfect Ventures, and Christopher M. Schroeder, author, Startup Rising
Gideon Lichfield, Quartz (moderator)

3:20pm: Digital Finance

The next billion are more likely to have phones than bank accounts. What happens when 1 billion more people wired with mobile devices begin to require online financial services? The complete reinvention of banking as we know it. Won’t this make financial regulation more complex and the world financial system more prone to instability? Will new digital currencies finally become real? What are the implications for cybersecurity? Quartz invites senior executives from the world’s leading financial services institutions to discuss and debate the future of finance and the impact of digital money.

Claire Alexandre, Vodafone
Mung Ki Woo, Mastercard
Kelly Evans, CNBC (moderator)

4:05pm: Social Cities

Welcome to Jakarta, the world’s most active Twitter city. The physical and virtual worlds are converging. Consider Jakarta, which is the world’s number one Twitter city in terms of posted tweets, mostly because people in traffic jams have nothing better to do. In addition to coming online, the next billion are moving into cities, which will require massive investments in both physical and digital infrastructure. What does all this mean? Quartz hosts a talk show-style discussion featuring leading designers, technologists and futurists to explore the challenges and opportunities of wired cities.

Chinedu Echeruo, HopStop
Ulrich Quay, BMW iVentures
Martin Varsavsky, Fon
Steve Clemons, The Atlantic (moderator)

4:55pm: Crowdsourcing

Companies will now have 5 billion people to test their good ideas-and bad ones. Open innovation, the practice of crowdsourcing business solutions and new ideas outside the four walls of a company, has revolutionized the way companies and governments innovate. Will this trend continue? Yes-and at massive scale. However, the way companies manage the potential of a billion more innovators could either spark breakthrough innovations or ignite mass confusion. Hear ideas about the evolution of problem solving as Quartz invites today’s leading experts on crowdsourcing and open innovation for a rotating interview to unpack how connectivity and collaboration are disrupting traditional business practices.

Peter Bale, CNN International
Alph Bingham, Innocentive
Anand Shah, Sarvajal
S. Mitra Kalita, Quartz (moderator)

5:35pm: Closing keynote interview

The “cognitive surplus” of the next billion, with Clay Shirky
Kevin J. Delaney, Quartz (moderator)

6:00pm: Closing remarks