Just yesterday, US president Donald Trump expressed his appreciation for Fox News, the media outlet that used to purport to be an unbiased source of news but is frequently accused of acting as Trump’s propaganda machine.
Trump remains a loyal Fox News viewer, but the rest of the media, as Trump is fond of saying at his rallies around the country, is “the enemy of the people.” That group no doubt includes The New York Times, which has tussled with the president both before and after his 2016 election win.
Today at the New York Times’ DealBook conference, business journalist Andrew Ross Sorkin interviewed Lachlan Murdoch, the executive chairman of Fox News parent company 21st Century Fox, and he didn’t pull any punches. Referencing the network’s dealing in false flags and conspiracy theories, Sorkin asked, “When you see that stuff, are you proud of that?”
Lachlan did not bring the fire, but did his best to defend one of the pillars of his family’s business. Watch the exchange below, beginning around the 17:00 mark:
Another highlight of the conversation came when Sorkin asked: “How do you feel about the fact that president Trump likes your network so much? Because as a journalist, I want people to respect the news that I’m providing. … I always want them to like it as effusively as the president seems to, when it comes to Fox News.”
Lachlan’s response: “I think he dislikes us less than everyone else.”