People have raised over $70,000 to send pizza to voters waiting in line

Democracy, with extra cheese.
Democracy, with extra cheese.
Image: Twitter
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It’s hungry work, waiting. But there’s a sliver of light for voters standing in line to cast their ballot today—and it comes with hot cheese.

Since 2016, nonpartisan nonprofit Pizza to the Polls has sent “delicious reinforcements” of pizza to voting locations around the country. That year, founder Noah Manger told NPR, they raised over $40,000 and fueled democracy with over 2,000 pies.

This year, according to their website, they’ve raised even more dough—well over $70,000, at the time of writing, or enough to buy more than 3,500 pizzas.

Despite being nonpartisan, Pizza for the Polls has also provided sustenance for people at other kinds of civic action. Early last year, they had pizzas delivered to airports where protesters gathered in opposition to Donald Trump’s travel ban.

How to get a pizza sent to your polling place

This is how it works: Voters send a report of a long line to the nonprofit through their website or social media, along with a picture of the queue. Next, Pizza to the Polls verifies the location as a real polling place, then sends a pizza there, via the Slice app. (You can track which deliveries are going where via their website.) The pies are for everyone, Manger said: “Poll workers, volunteers, people waiting in line to vote, their kids—you name it.”

If you’re reading this from the voting line and your stomach is grumbling, a hot slice could be just a few keystrokes away. Report the location at the Pizza to the Polls website, or check out its twitter page, @PizzaToThePolls, to see whether it’s already headed your way.