Pinterest revealed a trove of data about its more than 250 million monthly active users in an IPO filing on Friday (March 22). While Pablo, 32, from Buenos Aires; Priyanka, 25, from Mumbai; and Kaye, 70, from Louisville—all featured in the filing—are surely worthy of their own portraits, the filing also paints a picture of the typical Pinterest user, or “pinner.” 1 Here’s what we learned about her 2.
The average Pinner types roughly eight searches per month 3 into Pinterest, mostly via her smartphone. But she spends most of her time on the platform scrolling through the array of “related pins” 4 that appears after she has tapped on an initial pin. She is increasingly likely to be from somewhere outside the United States 5, though Pinterest makes 36 times as much money 6 off Pinners in the US. There, Pinners are typically millennial mothers, 7 who shop and spend 8 more than the average US household.
As of the end of last year, Pinterest users had collectively saved more than 175 billion pins to more than 4 billion boards. 9 And more than half of the pinners who opened Pinterest every month, also visited the platform once per week. 10