This is the sixth article in a six-part BULLETIN series exploring the most intriguing artisans, makers, and craftspeople that Lincoln has had the pleasure of working with; view all of the stories here.
Chris Prior began making snowboards out of his garage in 1990. Prior, a craftsman by nature, is also a person with ideas, dreams, and hopes for the snowy region that inspires his work. Ten years after his first splitboard prototype, Prior moved the Prior Skis & Snowboards production to Whistler, Canada. No, not just a satellite shop; he moved the entire show: the factory, the staff, and the cup-winning boards to the streets of Whistler Village. He wanted to support the artistic and cultural movement of what he knew to be more than just another ski town.

And did he ever become a part of that culture. Every Prior snowboard can be customized, the makers are just right next door to the shop, and the artists creating the board designs can be found milling about the shop and talking with visitors about inspirations for their next piece. Often, a member of the team, anyone from accounting to design, will present an idea to the artisans in the factory. Prototypes are made, and immediately tested outside on the mountain. The result at the end of the run could spark a new innovation altogether.

Prior Skis & Snowboards is also a mecca for local Whistler artists and events. Stop by to talk about what’s happening on the slopes or in the art scene. Don’t be shy. They welcome the tourists.

This article was written by Lincoln and not by the Quartz editorial staff.