As Pakistan’s anti-government protests in Islamabad entered their 30th day on Friday, the headlines were dominated by the arrest of DJ Butt, the official DJ for the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) rallies—and a personal friend of PTI leader Imran Khan.
Pakistan’s Express Tribune newspaper reported that Butt was arrested just after midnight on Thursday on charges of “inciting violence in the city of Islamabad.”
The PTI immediately took to Twitter to condemn the decision, saying it reflected the “monarchical mindset of the Sharifs,” in reference to prime minister Nawaz Sharif and his brother, Shahbaz, who is chief minister of Punjab province.
The arrest also trended nationwide in Pakistan, with many taking to social media to offer their support.
The government did not address DJ Butt’s arrest publicly so the timetable of his release is unknown. However, it’s safe to say that the PTI’s rallies will be far less lively without their man in the booth.