Christian Bale is the next Steve Jobs

He can pull off the all-black look.
He can pull off the all-black look.
Image: AP Photo/Matt Sayles & AP Photo/Paul Sakuma
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The second Steve Jobs movie to be made since the Apple co-founder’s death finally has a star, the Oscar winner (and Batman star) Christian Bale.

“We needed the best actor on the board in a certain age range, and that’s Chris Bale,” screenwriter Aaron Sorkin told Bloomberg Television.

This adds some finality to a lengthy pre-production process on the film, which is based on the Walter Isaacson biography that came out in 2011. Sony bought the rights before the book even published and locked in Sorkin, whose screenplay for The Social Network won an Academy Award, as the screenwriter. There were talks of David Fincher directing, before Danny Boyle (of Slumdog Millionaire fame) came on as director, and the actor Leonardo DiCaprio was at one time attached to the project, but DiCaprio fell through also. In the time it took to secure a director (Boyle) and lead (Bale), a whole other Steve Jobs movie was released.

Sorkin also hinted at the content of the movie in his interview with Bloomberg.

“He has more words to say in this movie than most people have in three movies combined,” he said. “There isn’t a scene or frame that he’s not in, and there’s a tremendous amount of language.”

Sorkin has said that the movie will consist primarily of three scenes, all of which lead up to different product launches.

Shooting hasn’t started yet, but late night host Conan O’Brien already has an idea of how the Batman star will tackle the new role.