The latest issue of Fortune magazine provides detailed look at the future of the Star Wars universe. Behind Bob Iger—The Walt Disney Company’s CEO—on the cover is the Millennium Falcon, Han Solo’s spacecraft in the Star Wars series. (It’s the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs.)
Disney bought the Star Wars brand along with the rest of Lucasfilm for $4 billion in 2012, and is scheduled to release its first movie in the series in December 2015.

Inside the issue is a composite rendering of Iger with the Millennium Falcon in a hangar created through a collaboration of the team at Fortune with Industrial Light & Magic, the visual-effects group of Disney’s Lucasfilm division.

This is not the first sighting of the current iteration of the fictional ship. In fact, it doesn’t show much more than the detailed look shown in a YouTube video released in Sept 2014.
More recently a ‘teaser’ trailer was posted to the internet on Nov 29, showing the Falcon in acrobatic combat with imperial fighters.
And JJ Abrams—the director of the film—has tweeted a sarcastic hand-written note from his production company’s account, claiming it wouldn’t show up in the film at all. (The note was displayed on top of a set piece known to be on the ship.)
There have been other, apparently unsanctioned releases of images of the ship images. The Spanish publication 20 Minutos published a gallery of aerial photographs taken of a set in the UK showing what looked like the Millennium Falcon.
TMZ was also able to acquire photographs of an under-construction Falcon.