Caption contest: Queen Elizabeth inspects the Bank of England’s gold

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Image: AP Photo / Eddie Mulholland, Pool
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Queen Elizabeth II visited the Bank of England on Thursday. While there, she took some time to tour the bank’s precious metal reserves, including 4,600 tons of gold worth some £197 billion (USD$315 billion). This photo needs a great caption, but we couldn’t come up with one, so we’re throwing it you: tweet your captions at @quartznews or email us at

We’ll publish any captions that make us laugh. This submission, from Twitter user @williambanzai7, is our current leader:

Queen Elizabeth gold meme

And here are some other favorites:

The United Kingdom hasn’t been on the gold standard since 1931, but like most central banks, the Bank of England holds onto gold because its value is traditionally stable. (For the past few years, it’s also been a good investment.) For your own tour of the vault, check out this video: