Say what you will about Donald Trump, but at least he’s consistent. Even on Instagram, a platform that brands and celebrities generally use for relatively cute, happy-go-lucky messages, the Republican presidential hopeful will start a nonsensical fight.
Over the last few months Trump has run over-the-top attack ads on Hillary Clinton, President Barack Obama, and Jeb Bush on Instagram, to silly and hilarious effect.
The only candidate to bite back so far has been Jeb Bush, who retaliated three days ago with a short clip of Trump saying he didn’t know why he was a Republican, followed by a photo of Trump calling Nancy Pelosi “the greatest.”
Here are some of the best burns from Trumpagram 2016:
All talk no action (video)
The specter of Benghazi (video)
“It doesn’t matter” (video)
A message from Mrs. Bush Sr. (video)
And in this corner, Jeb Bush.