Everyone can be Frida, according to one young Brazilian photographer.
Back in 2012, 25-year-old Camila Fontenele de Miranda decided to pay tribute to Frida Kahlo by asking men to dress in a way that evoked the legendary Mexican painter’s bright, layered clothes and headdresses.
“We always see [men] as strong, but they can also allow themselves to be poetic, wear flowers and colors,” de Miranda tells Quartz. “So came the name Todos Podem Ser Frida (“Everyone Can Be Frida”) because they can feel Frida’s intensity, just as I have.”
After a lovely first series, de Miranda opened her project to all sorts of subjects, inviting men, women, and children of all ages to imagine themselves as the mold-breaking artist.

De Miranda’s exhibitions focus on show five fragments of the artist’s life: “Entire Frida” (Frida por Inteiro), “Frida’s Love” (O Amor de Frida), “Frida’s Colors” (As Cores de Frida), “Frida’s Pain” (A Dor de Frida) and “Frida’s Abortion” (O Aborto de Frida).

So far, Everyone Can be Frida has shown in three Brazilian states (São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais) and in Italy, at Caserta’s Unusual Art Gallery.