Former Turing Pharmaceuticals CEO Martin Shkreli, who was arrested in Dec. 2015 on securities fraud charges, faced US legislators in a hearing on drug pricing today. Shkreli has been dubbed “the most hated man in America” for charging jacking up the prices of drugs for HIV and cancer patients. Shkreli invoked his constitutional Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination, declining to answer questions from lawmakers on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. “He smirked, rolled his eyes and looked away when ranking Democrat, representative Elijah Cummings [of Maryland] tried to appeal to his sense of morality and reflect on his actions,” NBC reported. But he was far from silent on social media, retweeting support from his fans and railing against his questioners. When representative Tim Gowdy of South Carolina asked the former drug executive how to pronounce his name, Shkreli obliged. Gowdy quickly responded: “So there are some questions you can answer.”