Sarah Palin cancels a Trump event after her husband is seriously injured in a snowmobile accident

The former governor departs the campaign trail to deal with a second family emergency.
The former governor departs the campaign trail to deal with a second family emergency.
Image: AP Photo/Brandi Simons
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A campaign event in Florida for Donald Trump, which was to feature an appearance by former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, was initially canceled, after her husband Todd was hospitalized after a snowmobile accident.

Palin stopprf by a campaign event in Tampa, but canceled all other appearances to catch a return flight to Alaska. Yesterday she appeared at a local strawberry festival but did not address the crowd.

In Tampa, Gawker reports that the former governor addressed her husband’s accident before introducing New Jersey governor Chris Christie. “Real life issues happen anyway,” she said, insisting on the importance of securing a Trump presidency regardless of what troubles she may be facing at home.

Palin endorsed Donald Trump in January, just after her son, Track, was arrested for allegedly assaulting his girlfriend and possession of a firearm while intoxicated.