Welcome to season two of Actuality, the podcast from Quartz and Marketplace.
This season, co-hosts Tim Fernholz and Sabri Ben-Achour will explore stories from this season’s theme: “They said it couldn’t be done.”

Our two organizations are dedicated to explaining the changing global economy. Where better to look for those changes than in pioneering people and companies who dare to think beyond the nay-sayers?
You can listen to Actuality and subscribe on iTunes, or use this XML feed to subscribe with your favorite podcast app. Or listen to the first episode here:
We’ll talk to the entrepreneurs who think they can launch more satellites than any company before them, making a business where others found only bankruptcy. We’ll meet scientists trying to crack the atomic code and produce unlimited clean energy. We’ll learn how the intrusive power of digital surveillance is giving managers insights into their workers’ minds previously relegated to science fiction novels.
Actuality’s first season in 2015 was an experiment in collaboration for our team. We set out to produce a deeper dive into the best stories published by Quartz and broadcast by Marketplace. We ate caviar and investigated genetically-modified broccoli, met CEOs with impossible jobs and learned the secrets of turning data into sound.
In radio-speak, an actuality is a piece of sound from the field, often an interview, included in an audio story. Our podcast aims to bring listeners this kind of first-hand connection to what’s actually going on through reporting, not just talking heads, bringing you to places you wouldn’t otherwise visit and people you otherwise couldn’t meet.
But we still need your help. Give us some clues for what you want to see in future episodes. Who else is doing the impossible? Tell us on twitter, or e-mail us.