For anyone who’s ever been in the pinch of needing to order condoms or beef jerky fast—but just couldn’t bring themselves to hop on their mobile phone or laptop, let alone leave the house—Amazon just solved your first-world problem.
The company has added more than 70 brands to its offering of Amazon Dash one-click ordering buttons, including Trojan, Slim Jim, two brands of coconut water, and Air Wick. The keychain-sized plastic buttons are available to Prime members for $4.99 each, but customers receive a $4.99 credit to their Amazon account with their first Dash order, making them essentially free.
To be sure, the Amazon Dash button—which connects to Wi-Fi and comes with adhesive for easy placement around the home or office—is a tiny experiment for a retail giant as vast and global as Amazon. It says Dash Button orders have grown by more than 75% over the last three months, but offered no specifics on volume.
But adding extra brands to the service illustrates how eager the company is to make itself indispensable to American shoppers who’d rather push a button for delivery of laundry detergent or pita chips than put on slippers and drive to a convenience store.