A longtime assistant at a Donald Trump estate has posted some vitriolic comments about US president Barack Obama on Facebook.
Anthony Senecal, who served as butler for 17 years at the real estate mogul’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida, has posted numerous screeds online lambasting the president, Mother Jones first reported. On Wednesday, he wrote a missive stating Obama should have been “shot as an enemy agent”:
To all my friends on FB, just a short note to you on our pus headed “president” !!!! This character who I refer to as zero (0) should have been taken out by our military and shot as an enemy agent in his first term !!!!! Instead he still remains in office doing every thing he can to gut the America we all know and love !!!!! Now comes Donald J Trump to put an end to the corruption in government !!!! The so called elite, who are nothing but common dog turds from your front lawn are shaking in their boots because there is a new Sheriff coming to town, and the end to their corruption of the American people (YOU) is at hand !!!! I cannot believe that a common murder is even allowed to run (killery clinton) OR that a commie like bernie is a also allowed to also run !!!! Come on America put your big boy pants on—this election you have a choice—GET YOUR ASS OUT AND VOTE !!!! Thank you !!!!
Other posts are no more subtle. Mother Jones, which added Senecal on Facebook, captured snapshots of some of his other private posts. In addition to frequent photos of the confederate flag, Senecal has written posts calling the president a “muzzie,” a slur for Muslim, who needs to be lynched:
From September 18, 2015:
Our current ‘president’ is a rotten filthy muzzie !!!!! Period !!!!!! He continues his war on Christians !!!!!! …zero is against the people of America !!!!!” Months earlier, he declared of Obama, “look at the number of goat screwing muzzies he is degrading our government with !!!!!” (One of Senecal’s Facebook associates replied, “We need to LYNCH that NIG — NOW!!”)
Senecal has also targeted Hillary Clinton, referring to her as “killery clinton.” From April 20, 2015:
Stop the LYING BITCH OF BENGHAZI, NOW—killery clinton !!!!!!! She should be in prison awaiting hanging !!!!!!!!!!
A spokesperson for the Trump campaign told Mother Jones that Senecal “has not worked at the Mar-a-Lago for many years.” A lengthy New York Times profile from March reveals that Senecal indeed resigned from his duties as Trump’s butler after 2009, but has stayed at the estate as its unofficial historian (paywall). Unsurprisingly, Senecal is an enthusiastic supporter of Trump’s candidacy. Upon the announcement of Trump entering the race, Senecal wrote on Facebook:
Today my employer and friend Donald J Trump announced he was running for the Office of President of the United States !!!!!! What an absolute thrill !!!!! NO ONE deserves to run for and be elected to this GREAT office, than Mr Trump !!!!! Can he handle the job, you bet your sweet ass he can !!!!!! Go Mr Trump !!!!!!!