The Associated Press (AP) has big news: Two vital terms—”the internet” and “the web”—may now be spelled with lowercase letters, at least according to the news agency’s standard-setting stylebook.
People still have a lot of questions about how to spell other forms of technology, though. The AP held a Twitter chat today, in which they answered some of the internet’s most pressing grammar questions—but left others distressingly unanswered.
The spelling-and-grammar authority stood by its spelling of “Wi-Fi,” to the chagrin of at least one Twitter user.
The AP also retired the capitalized “Internet of Things,” and its unsightly variant, “IoT.”
Here’s how to call the messages you send and receive on Snapchat.
But the AP has not yet come down on neologisms like “livestreaming” or “livetweeting.”
Unfortunately, the style chat only lasted 30 minutes, leaving some Twitter users with some pretty big questions hanging.